A Blow-out Introductory Giveaway:

Web CEO 5.5: The World’s Leading Search Engine Marketing Software
Web CEO is a full-range search engine marketing and optimization software with advanced site troubleshooting and web analytics functionality.
- The choice of 100,000+ businesses.
Web CEO stands on guard of the rankings of IBM and Motorola. These companies have no right to make mistakes. What about you?
- Simple and user-friendly.
Packed with powerful features, Web CEO still can boast an ultra user-friendly interface that turns a novice into an SEO expert right away after installation.
- Completely Safe.
Employing Google API and cutting-edge human emulation techniques, Web CEO makes the optimization process absolutely safe for you and your site.
Training Course in Search Engine Marketing + CSEM Certification

The Basic Training Course in Search Engine Marketing is ideal for site owners, webmasters and consultants who want to get a grip on search engine marketing and optimization.
- As a part of ongoing introductory offer, this course (5 stages, 19 lessons, 5 demos, 5 assessments, and a CSEM certificate for successful students) is offered for free when you download and register the free version of the Web CEO search engine optimization and conversion rate improvement toolkit.
- The Course contains impressive amount of topical materials - both static and interactive: 27 lessons organized into 4 stages, 12 video demos, 14 assessments.
- Successful students are awarded a certificate of Competent Search Engine Marketer (CSEM) available through this website to your employer, customers or whoever it may concern as a proof of your expertise.