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Debt Slavery

Date Added: December 07, 2011 03:27:02 PM
Author: Wayne Isaksen
Category: Business & Finance
Lately I have been feeling like I have been in the matrix movie, you know the one with Keanu Reeves? Where you do not know what is real and what is imagined. Right now in this country and in the World there is a BIG difference between reality and what the Governments and their News agencies are telling us. Every statistic the Feds release is bogus, from Inflation, Unemployment, Foreclosures to Manufacturing, GDP and all the rest. To get more truthful statistics go to Do you feel that you are financially better off now than you were 5 years ago? Well if you don’t, you are not alone you have plenty of company! While the media bombards us with endless bullshit news and tons of commercial advertisements the reality is that we as a society are circling the drain. You know a change is coming when the bankrupt Banksters are giving out outrageous Bonuses (up 17% this year), Athletes (even Olympic Ones) are raking in Multi Millions of Dollars, the imperialist USA is spending Trillions on the BOGUS WARS in Afganistan & Iraq, while the majority of its people have been seriously downgraded. Unemployment in this country is really around 21% with most of those jobs never returning. We became a nation of consumers, we outsourced our manufacturing overseas in a bid to create consumer products at a cheaper price. We have turned ourselves into the biggest Debtor Nation on the Planet, how did it come to this? Believe it or not it is not totally your fault. We were gullible and believed in the bullshit they were shoveling. Stocks: Invest in the Stock Market and buy and hold and you will reap great wealth? How many of you bought into that one, over and over despite the fact that they continuously raped and pillaged us. Remember the Stock Market Crash of 1987? The Dot Com Bubble of 2000? How soon we forget! If you didn’t lose all your investment money they manufactured the Housing bubble starting around 2003 and had many of us go all in buying everything from Condos to Mc Mansions, most with little or no money down! Well I guess most of you remember how that ended up. They weren’t finished, they then gave us another fleecing in the stock market and really got us in 2007, not only destroying our portfolios but wacking our 401k’s and our IRA’s. Starting to see a pattern? Along the way the Banksters gave us Sub Prime Mortgages, Huge Credit Card Limits, 0% Financing, Buy Now and Pay Later. They even ruined the retired people by holding interest rates at 0% killing savings for millions of senior Americans on fixed incomes. Hell, we thought we were all Millionaires! (on paper anyway). Then we payed WAY TOO MUCH for our childrens Higher Education, its gotten to the point that you should SERIOUSLY be asking yourselves if this is a prudent choice, DAMN! For the same money you could have bought your kids a house or started a business for them, and for the poor kids that took out student loans, they are in for a lifetime of DEBT Slavery. Take a look at this short video: I think you should SERIOUSLY rethink your situation and make the proper adjustments – right away! GET OUT OF DEBT ANYWAY YOU CAN. Get rid of the Mortgage. Get rid of the Credit Cards. Forget buying a nice new fancy car. Use your investment money (what’s left) to get out of debt. Buy some Physical Gold and Silver. Start Living below your means, downsize if necessary. Go to: and register for our FREE Financial Webinar. Then sign up for a FREE 1 to 1 personal strategy session with our financial guru Shane Jackman who will open your eyes to the financial possibilities available to you. Don’t let the banksters fleece you anymore-become proactive and break the shackles of debt forever!
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